Regardless what any one person may say, the Gracedale saga unified the community and the county in a manner never witnessed or experienced before. Not in Northampton County. And, in all probability...not in the state or the nation.
Recently, an outsider asked: "What was the Gracedale initiative really about?" Our response: The Gracedale Initiative was about helping each other, with special consideration for our elders. Whom, in their day molded our great nation into what it is today. We went on to explain that while we continue to be proud Americans who love our country dearly, these days we're not always so proud of some of our Government officials.
A miserable liar - John Stoffa |
He has been portrayed as "pulling his last weed". We suggest that he has pulled his last hairs while cursing COAF for exposing him. His portrait was painted using a hypocritical brush. His legacy will be remembered forever, but not for anything positive. Stoffa himself would like us to believe that except for a half mil tax hike he had promised during his campaign, he never raised taxes beyond that. We agree, he did not! However, lets explore why not...At one point, we had as much as a sixty-two million dollar surplus. So the real question is: Why would he raise taxes?
On the subject of the Human Services building, Stoffa pushed, and pushed some more for it without any hesitation. Why??? Well, in our opinion, because he thought County Council would dedicate the building to his failed eight years legacy. They, of course, did not! Great decision by County Council.
John Stoffa's legacy is nothing more than what he practices - deception! In our opinion:
He lied to us to get elected.
He lied to us regarding his Gracedale intentions.
He lied to us about "not appealing" his failed court case against "We The People".
He lied to us about not using tax dollars to sue "We The People".
His entire eight year term was a web of lies.
We don't take pride in making these statements, but they are true! That's how we will remember John nothing more than a liar. Your time has come John. Good bye, good riddance...and know that you will not be missed!