Give me a beer and I'll do and say anything! |
He is now viewed by We The People as a terrorist columnist, who has set his sight's on We The People's representative - County Controller Stephen Barron, with the intent of helping County Executive John Stoffa destroy Mr. Barron.
It's not going to happen Bill, We The People will not allow it, period.
All of Northampton County residents/taxpayers/electors must be made aware of the TRUTH...that the media (different members) - whom we asked to sign our petitions, all informed us politely that they are to remain neutral. Therefore, they could not sign our petitions! But, Mr. White, through his eagerness to discredit Mr. Barron, shows us that the media has been on County Executive John Stoffa's side all along...and that's not being neutral.
What's in it for Bill - A keg of beer perhaps? |
Regardless what anyone says about Mr. Barron, or Councilman Lamont McClure, they have been the only two elected officials who have courageously stood up alone to dispel the lies of John Stoffa. And for that reason, Mr. Stoffa is not holding back anything to destroy them! But, here we now SEE the truth. And what is the truth? In our opinion, it is that "the media" has been bought by the highest bidder, and we all know who that is.
Mr. White is suggesting that our Controller should be invisible. Really??? Invisible??? Come on Bill! We The People want all of our representatives to be visible and transparent at the same time. Don't you know that? Or should we make the assumption that you too are a Fabian Socialist that wants to assist in setting the stage of communism in America? Is that the case?...because We The People are not having it!
Mr. White should try saying the truth, which is that John Stoffa is the worst County Executive in the history of Northampton County.
Why doesn't Mr. White report that John Stoffa has illegally MISUSED tax dollars, and that he lied about it too. Why isn't he reporting that? Instead he chose to attack the one person who exposed the truth - the Honorable Controller Barron.
Well thank you so much Mr. White for helping us make our case. Your words, as well as the words of some others, we are establishing a foundation that will eventually bring Mr. Stoffa to Justice...once and for all! We'll see what you have to say then!