Wednesday, January 14, 2015

YES...We Are Still Watching!

It has been a while since we have posted any information on this blog. That should not be taken to mean that we have gone away...we have not!

We have been keeping watchful eyes on matters. And, we have been meeting semi-regularly to discuss items of interest relating to Gracedale.
It pleases us to express some very good news - Gracedale has been reported to be near breaking-even. According to news reports, "Gracedale is on track to meet its 2014 budget." 

Yes, it's true that a tax increase is looming, however, it won't be because of Gracedale. As we have seen over the last four years, it was never necessary because of Gracedale. In a one-hundred-thirty-three million dollar budget, Gracedale tax contributions are but a drop in the bucket. Let us focus on - where there rest of the tax funds are going. And, let us look for tax cuts where spending is out of control, and, possibly not necessary. Gracedale serves the greatest element in life...Humanity - Gracedale is necessary!

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