Angle Wants To Know...
...But, he won't know until sometime next week!
According to WFMZ, the Northampton County Board of Elections won't know the results until some time next week.
They are supposed to begin counting the write-ins tomorrow. Monday is a holiday however, so when they say next week, it could be next Friday.
The report says unofficially that 774 write-in-votes were cast in the Republican primary for Controller. We can't imagine that 774 Republicans could be so ignorant as to cast a write-in-vote for someone so dishonest!
They must have laid aside their memory that in November of 1997 for example, the Honorable Judge James C. Hogan ruled against Mr. Angle for breaking into a personnel file cabinet in the Bangor Area Education System.
Ron Angle is known to be a bully. He normally gets his way by threatening, screaming and yelling like a baby. Yes, like a baby, until he gets his way. Which, is exactly what he did as a Bangor Area School Board member.
When they wouldn't allow him access to teachers sensitive files, he threatened to use a power drill to break into the file cabinet. The file cabinet contained sensitive personnel information files, which, even the personnel themselves had no right to access the files. But remember, the rules don't apply to Mr. Angle. No, he can do what ever he wants to do. Or so he thinks!
What confuses us, a BI-PARTISAN group of voting taxpayers is: that the Republican Party would really want to continue to be associated with, and embarrassed by the likes of this little man with a big chip on his shoulder?
We say BI-PARTISAN because our followers are from both sides, as well as independents. The Republicans that sit with us over a cup of java can't understand themselves, how their party could even want to be associated with such a belligerent person!
When our children and our youth witness this type of role model, they think it is cool. But is it? We don't think so! A role model is either good or bad. Does the Republican Party really want bad role models like Mr. Angle to influence our posterity? We don't think so.
Well, it really doesn't matter. If Angle gets the write-in-nomination, he will then have to hope that enough Republicans will support him in his effort to beat the incumbent Steve Barron. We sense the honest Republicans will steer clear of the angled button in the booth, which may mean that they have to vote for the sitting Controller.
The other option as a Republican disgusted with their party's nomination is: not to vote at all, which we do not encourage.
We feel not voting is part of the problem, and certainly not productive. We would encourage everyone to vote - just don't vote for the man of dishonest and wrongful angles! Instead, vote against him, regardless of your party affiliation. We sincerely believe that's the right thing to do for the greater good of our County.
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