So many people today take for granted...our right to VOTE! And for one reason or another decided not to VOTE, forfeiting their duty.
We must remember - there was a time in our great Country that:
Well, passed by Congress June 4, 1919, and ratified on August 18, 1920, the 19th amendment guarantees all American women the right to vote. Achieving this milestone required a lengthy and difficult struggle; victory took decades of agitation and protest.
Today women have also taken an active role in the political future of our great "Nation Under God". And that too is awesome for our AMERICA.
Sadly, we have a right and duty - provided by sacrifice, which many still do not exercise...but when things are not to their liking, they seem to feel they have a right to do not!
Unless you take part - you are part of the problem...complain you may not!!!
Don't concern yourself if together "We The People" make an incorrect selection, because we can make a correction when their term is up, or recall them with reason.
What is critically important is that we exercise our duty, our privilege...
...our right to VOTE!!!
Beginning on May 21...
...God Bless America.
...God Bless America.
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