First, we feel the need to extend a heartfelt and humble apology to Mafalda, Sarah, John and Evan. It is not our intent to hurt you or your family in any way, please know that. And we hope that you can understand that. We have done what we can to protect your address and telephone number, but we also feel we must disclose this information.
The taxpayers and electors have a right to ask these questions before the County Executive election. Your husband, and father, is running for a position in our local government, which demands and requires the highest standards of integrity, honesty, and moral values. This is not an attack, it is a quest for the truth.
Please view this document, which was legally discovered through the "right to know" law:
We have some questions that must be asked based on the evidence outlined in this document.
We know she was caught doing so, but was Callahan also under the influence?
If he asked that question, what was the intent of the question?
Does John Callahan have a problem with alcohol?
These are just a few legitimate questions we feel must be asked!
We need answers to these questions, especially after all the negative information disseminated by the other blog about Mr. Callahan relating to the same issue.
More to come!
Mr. Callahan is called the "Frat boy' Mayor by by some for a reason. I was unaware of your story but not surprised. It has been said that over the years his "exploits" have raised more than a few eyebrows.