Wednesday, November 8, 2017


Image result for congratsNorthampton County has a new head, as well as a new body.

Democrat Lamont McClure, our choice to head the County as County Executive, prevailed. We continue to pray for him, and we expect him to serve "We, The People" well.

Republican Margaret (Peg) Ferraro, our choice to remain in office kept her seat.

Image result for congratsHats off to: Ronald Heckman, Tara Zrinski, Lori Heffner, and William McGee, all Democrats new to County Council. 

COAF is looking forward to a positive future for Gracedale. We will certainly continue to pray for our government at all levels, with a distinct prayer for our local government.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Our County Council & County Executive Choices Are...

During the Gracedale Initiative movement, Margaret "Peg" Ferraro was just as much a friend to the Coalition of Alzheimer's families, and to Gracedale, as was Lamont McClure.

While it is true they serve "We, The People" on either side of the aisle, they both know and understand the meaning of loyalty to their constituents, and they both have high morals and values. They also comprehend that it is okay to disagree, but most importantly, they agree to do so civilly and respectfully. Both are sensible and reasonable. Both stand up for what they believe in.

Lamont and Peggy illustrate and illuminate what it means to be public servants. And for that reason we stand behind them, beside them, and in front of them. As they protect us, we will protect them!

Both have been subjected to ridicule by the one known as being untouchable. The defiled one who was actually touched by those he desired to devour. Nevertheless, they both rose above the attacks - unscathed.

Many believe that COAF is made up of Democrats, Republicans, and Independents who strive to do the right thing, all the time. And, in one sense, we are. In a more real sense, we are merely proud Americans who care more for our community, and for the widows and orphans we have been called to defend, than we do about any given party. We have put aside our party lines in service of humanity. Perhaps, so should our nation.

In this election we support both, a Democrat, Lamont McClure for County Executive. And, a Republican, Margaret (Peg) Ferraro for County Council. Not just because we believe both will do the right thing, all the time. More importantly, because we believe they will work together, across party lines, to do the right thing for Northampton County, all the time!

NOVEMBER 7, 2017

Lamont McClure For County Executive!!!

Who is Lamont McClure?

First, let us say, Lamont McClure did not ask us to write this post, he was not even aware we planned to do so.
For those of you who may not know, the Coalition of Alzheimer's Families came to trust the sincere compassionate effort put forth by Mr. McClure, during a very difficult time for us, as related to our very loved ones. Mother's, Brother's, Sister's, uncle's and aunt's. We would do whatever was necessary to protect them. And we discovered - so would McClure.
When Gracedale came under fire by two of the most negative despicable characters in Northampton County government, the Coalition sought friends to join us in the trenches. We understood we were about to fight the greatest herculean battle of our lives. Among others, we found a true friend in Lamont McClure!
Much like the Coalition members, Lamont was often slandered, mocked, and splattered with mud...but, as all true hero's do, he endured without collapse or complaint.
The Coalition takes this opportunity to humbly thank Lamont for his honest desire to always do what is right!
"We, the People" support Lamont McClure for County Executive. On November 7, 2017, we hope you will too!
"We, The People" are asking ALL Gracedale residents and employees, as well as all residents of the County who are registered to vote, for your support. Please help us elect the honest and transparent Lamont McClure to the office of Northampton County Executive, where he can continue to protect your jobs, and our loved ones. Yes - he will "Protect, Preserve, and Prosper" Northampton County for all residents!

Thank you Lamont!