Thursday, July 7, 2011

An Email From The Good Folks Of Bangor

Does this surprise anyone?
We received this email from a Bangor resident:

"Bangor Boro and it's Zoning Officer have repeatedly been denied access to inspect the rental properties subject to boro ordinances of one Ron Angle. This has been a problem for many months and now the boro will be taking their case to court to force Mr. Angle to comply. The court cases are scheduled for early September. This will cost the taxpayers of Bangor money but we refuse to let a landlord dictate policy and refuse to comply with local laws that are in place for health and safety reasons."

We The People of NorCo believe that Bangor like any other municipality has the right to condemn any property that does not conform to and/or comply with health and safety ordinances as mandated by the municipality. If Mr. Angle believes he can defy Bangor government, show him by stern decisive action that he can not - condemn his nonconforming properties. Then if he does not like the rules let him go out and collect 23k petition names to challenge and change the laws. We all know he will not succeed.


  1. Yesterday,I had the chance to read Angle's letter sent to all region 4 residents in order to persuade them to vote for him again.
    Interesting that he associates himself with "the little people."
    At no time did he refer to his entusiastically monetary association with the "little people" who wanted his support not to build a detention center in their region.He wanted to do what he wanted to do with or without community involvement.
    He does ,however, offer a pretty interesting direction for Gracedale,which is NOT his idea.
    Please keep in mind that when the "little people" went to HIS COUNCIL for help, he did nothing but belittle them with name calling,yelling, and swearing.
    Once again, when the "little people" BEAT him at his own game, what does he do? SUE,SUE,SUE!
    In the end, he and his buddy lost 2 times.
    I am glad to see that the "the lttle people" of Bangor have finally stepped up to the plate and are beginning to expose this man for what he really is:a blowbag and a fraud.
    Want some more proof, ask him just how many things he was able to lead and win this year on Council.
    His own party turned on him and OUSTED him as President, for he did more hARM THAN GOOD FOR THE "LITTLE PEOPLE" OF NORTHAMPTON cOUNTY!

  2. Please send a copy of the letter to COAF

  3. I'm in District 4 and I didn't get the "little people" mailing.
    Placating the electorate after he did EVERYTHING he could to shut down Gracedale, and took 3 grand for a hurried vote on the prison, is all he can do to win back those he offended.
    I certainly hope they all realize that the irrepressible Ronnie will continue to make these types of decissions if left on council.

  4. Thank you for the information. This is something O'Hare would never post. Or if he does he will put his own bullshit twist on it. Angle is a slimeball and I hope the voters of District four finally send this sick clown packing.

    He is a disgrace to elected office. He doesn't believe in anything but making money.

  5. Dear Ronnie,
    Don't talk to me about your NOW great ideas on Gracedale, SHOW ME! Let me see some ACTION!

  6. The letter was sent to registered Republicans in District 4.
    Angle knows he has had a bad year. Not winning at very many things-his falther's will, the prison, the land deal with the dentist, the council presidency, the law suit against the circulators of the petitions. His town hall meetings were poorly attended by anyone other than Gracedale supporters.
    Whenever you mention his name people always have something negative to say. Angle believes people are stupid. They are not going to forget what he tried to pull this year with Gracedale.
    . Words are cheap Ron. Lets see you work like those people did who went out and got 23,000 petition signatures--in winter yet. Election time should find Ron out in the cold this year.

  7. Is Mr. Angle a slumlord ?

  8. I realize that Mr. Angle was against keeping Gracedale and that his opinions and actions maybe self beneficial but this blog and this group I feel has lost their way. This group began the Save Gracedale campaign to keep it public so that it stays available to the residents of Northampton County. Now it has begun a smear campaign against Mr. Angle. I am not a fan of Mr. Angle at all. I do not feel that what he says or does helps the community that he represents but this group hasn't done anything either. Your group has not tried to help the council in anyway to Save Gracedale. This group has many people who collected signatures. Where are these people with their ideas or resources to help with the follow through of saving Gracedale. Please don't take this as a bash on your group. You did what many people didn't or couldn't. You stepped up to the plate and Saved Gracedale. In my opinion and many other opinions you Saved Gracedale from the privitizing but that's all you did. How about helping the county with the budget for Gracedale? How about steamlining employees? How about making the beds available for people being discharged from the hospital? I realize that some of these things are for county council to decide but you put forth the motion to keep Gracedale. How about the follow through? I see it as you put your efforts into Saving Gracedale and once it was saved you dropped the ball and started this smear campgain against Ron Angle. Who cares about him. We all know that he is shady and that he is only looking out for himself. Focus on Gracedale. Your losing public support because you lost focus. Remember the name of your blog. Save Gracedale. Remember all of the residents of Gracedale. Ron Angle is not worth remembering.

  9. We would love to become involved, but Mr.Cusick,the Council's Gracedale Committee, nor Mr. Stoffa have invited any community in-put.
    Mr. Stoffa seems to be ignoring the vote of the people and is trying to "appear "that he is helping.
    In reality, he is dragging his feet.
    According to what I have heard ,the County has now closed 2 wings at Gracedale. There needs to be involvement or a debate.
    Mr. Angle has tried to initiate one, but he is not one of the people in charge of the Gracedale Committe.
    We also are hoping that they do their job as per the will of the people.

  10. If Mr. Angle tried to start communtiy involvment why not support it. As much as it may be a political ploy to try and get re-elected why not dance with the devil if it benefits Gracedale. Even if its for a short dance just to get the ball rolling. Then if the Gracedale Committee sees that the public is interested in this portion of the Gracedale saga they may pick up their feet a little.

  11. Anon 9:24: Because this dance will surely spell the end of Gracedale. Ron wants it gone...period, and will stop at nothing to accomplish this. He has lost all credibility and can not be trusted. Ron needs to ride the pine this time for sooooo many reasons. A huge part of "Saving" Gracedale involves electing people who truly care, not just for their own purposes. If you try to get to a good place by dancing with the devil you have grown a tree with rotten roots or built a house on a poor foundation. Dancing with the devil never ever produces a favorable long term outcome. I am not directly involved, but am a reader of this blog.

  12. As I said before,no one has to dance with the devil.If Angle truly wants to help Gracedale, let him do his job with Council and Stoffa.
    The basics for improvement have to be put in place before any citizen gets involved.
    Therefore, do not talk to me about what you are going to do as a politician,just do your job and get it done NOW.
    Words from Angle are cheap. Let him show all of us just how sincere he really is. His plan could work IF he would get started and do it.

  13. In my humble opinion it was NEVER this group's "BALL" to carry.
    When the current Administration and then Council President Angle decided to sell Gracedale they failed to provide a forum for the public to express their wishes.
    Many times this group tried to encourage the Council and the Administration to hear the public on this issue.
    It was not until AFTER the petition drive had begun that Town Hall meetings were started. As a side note, each of those town meetings attended by an Attorney from the Law firm from Harrisburg carried a hefty bill paid for with YOUR TAX DOLLARS.
    Even after it was apparent that the voters wanted the issue on the ballot, Angle and Stoffa dug their heels in and tried to prevent it.

    The Group succeeded in giving the voters a voice.And they realize their work is not over.
    However, we are not politicians or elected
    officials. While we can and have on many occasions offered suggestions to individuals on Council and in Administration, we can do little if they do nothing!
    The "BALL" remasin in Stoffa's hands. Lets see if he fumbles it again.

  14. To deal with Angle is like dealing with the Devil. He will do anything to get what he wants. As long as you agree with him he can be the sweetest man but disagree and he cannot hide his horns.

  15. Anon 9:24 - Please consider what you have suggested, then understand that dancing with the Lucifer is never an option, unless of course your willing to lose your soul, ARE YOU 9:24 - willing t lose your soul?

    The Coalition led by a true servant of God prevailed because they chose instead to dance with GOD...and after you have danced with God, what pleasure can one possibly receive dancing with Angle or his boss Satan. None I assure you.

    On this issue what everyone MUST understand is that unless and until the Coalition is invited by the current President of County Council or a Committee Chair to join them for discussions on Gracedale, COAF has no authority to sit in on any such discussions.

    So why would you sir or madam, want to shift the focus from Stoffa and Angle where it belongs, to the Coalition instead? Could it be that your last name is ohare?

    In my demure opinion, County Council, the County and its employees along with all Gracedale employees, and you and I are indebted or perhaps beholden is a better word, to these fearless few who had the courage to do what most wanted to do, but who for one reason or another did not do.

    No, I suggest that we first thank the illustrious One for putting these fine people in the right place at the right time, and then let us thank COAF for doing what they are still doing, standing up for morality.

  16. Rev. It is time for a separate entry. Bernie O'Hare, the devils plaything, has posted entries about last nights county council meeting. He has of course printed the bullshit spewed by Stoffa. When I tried to offer some other thoughts, my posts went away. Of course the hateful teabagging posts are allowed. He doesn't want people to know that Gracedale administrators have been deliberately hampered in their efforts to fill beds.

    As to the other person posting here saying to help Angle and Stoffa, I say gladly. Here is a fact for you. Help by some very knowledgeable folks has been offered at "no cost" to the county. You want to know what has happened? Nothing.

    Stoffa doesn't want any help, that is why his "handpicked" committee of cronies is making the decisions. This is the same group that ran Gracedale into the ground. If Angle really, really cared he would get on Stoffa about this closed process. The truth is they want to gut Gracedale. They need money lots of it. Angle wnats money to fill holes in the Stoffa budget. Stoffa needs cash for his drug addict lounge. So Gracedale will suffer and be made the goat in order to sell a big tax increase. This is a shameful government.

    We need to counter the nonsense that O'Hare is spewing on behalf of Angle/Stoffa.

    Thank you

    God Save the Guardians!

  17. Angle brought this on himself. He not only did all he could to demonize the people in here ,through his hatchetman Ohare. He conducts his personnal life just on the boundries of the law.
    NO ONE has that many run-ins with the law and is not be responsible for some of them.
    He is not the type of person I want representing me in office.

  18. Is O'Hare a fair arbiter of the facts, or is he in the know on the Angle/Stoffa plan not to fill beds at Gracedale creating a financial crisis there.

  19. Ohare is not fair,
    and it rhymes for a reason.
    Read his blog.
    He deletes people with differing viewpoints.
    I admit that some of the deletions are necessary due to the off the wall remarks and attacks, however he is too heavy on the delete button. So I don't engage, I read but never comment.
    Hey, he has enough people who seem to actually hate him that give him grief regularly . I would just be ganging up on on a defenseless feeble old man if I were to comment.
    I would like to speak with him on neutural ground, to pick his brain. He seems so angry all the time, I would like to see what makes him like that. I think it all comes down to the company you keep. If you know what I mean.
    Maybe a bike ride through Jacobsburg with a rest stop for some watermelon combined with some spirited conversation. It might do you good Ohare. How about it?

  20. Have to disagree on a point Winston. Many people who have attacked no one have been deleted. He is doing another Dent hatchet job on healthcare. He allows silly comments as long as they are teabagger oriented. Comments that point out some other ideas just vanish.

    He is in bed with Stoffa and Angle and they are his mancrusehes. He has a blind spot with them. Of course many have said since they subsidize his life, of course he will be the propaganda wing of the Angle/Stoffa Administration.

    I think the evidence point sin that direction.

  21. Guess what folks, O'Hare has had to admit he was bullshitting about the Gracedale budget. He claimed the home needed another 3 million dollars in the budget amendment.

    Turns out it doesn't need anything. All the hot air form Stoffa and Angle are falling away. These thieves are now being forced to face their own lies. Stay vigilant. Gracedale will remain in danger as long as Angle and Stoffa are in office. This Fall vote out Angle and in 2013 put a decent and competent person in as Executive to save Gracedale.

    God Bless All!

  22. So Bernie erred?
    or did he?
    It makes interesting reading all the comments on Ohares blog left on last nights Gracedale thread.
    It seems these people are so unhappy with their lot in life they can't wait to hold parades and carnivals while the laid-off workers drive away for the last time.
    They can't wait for the albatros to be sold.
    They can't wait for the union SCUM to collect unemployment and have their benefits run out because there is no more extensions.
    What the HELL is the matter with those sociopaths?
    What kind of human would wish those things on others?
    And the orchestrator Ohare hosting their vile commentary sits by idle, in agreement.
    It makes you wonder exactly how they will spin this when Gracedale becomes profitable.
    Will the money be siphoned off so the doofus Stoffa can say how marvelous the window treatments look at the old courthouse?

    These people actually make me sick to my stomach.

  23. After a reread of last nights Gracedale thread on Ohares blog, I have come to the conclusion that he helped those commentors look like the
    "smacked asses" they are.
    Thanks Bernie
    How about that ride?

  24. We do not wish to be like O'Hare and remove any content placed on this site, however, we reserve the right to remove content the is profane and vulgar, so please refrain from using such language. We want our youth to be able to read this blog and learn from it, so we must present ourselves as good examples.

    If it is done again, the entire content regardless of accuracy will be removed. Thank you.


  25. Yes, the last thing you want is to be like that troll O'Hare. His hate blog is a disgraces. Once Angle and Stoffa are out of power, O'Hare won't be allowed to bully county staff like he does now. It is shameful.

  26. Slumlord? Scofflaw? No denial of the story? No cry of "Liar"? Gee..maybe the truth has come out. This refusal to comply has been going on for years in fact. The new Zoning Officer has been given the green light to file suit and has no fear concerning the landlord as his moves to avoid compliance are dwindling and the courthouse is where this thing is headed.

  27. The People have had enough of this evil clown Ron Angle. How in the world does he keep getting elected. His goofy, "man of the people" nonsense is so much baloney. Must be some gullible folks in District four.

  28. When Ron was a minority voice..that was part of the reason he was sent. Another reason is that the people up here in the 4th felt neglected and ignored by the city rep's and their agenda's thus Ron was sent as a pointed barb. He was sent specifically to be a pain in the butt and protect our issues. Times have changed now. It was funny for awhile but not any more. The circus has left town and Ron is still here putting on a one man show. He has chosen political suicide or death by voter's as his way out. Sad that it has come to this but he's writing his own story and it has to end at some point..NOW!

  29. In the end Ron Angle accomplished nothing for District four. He bashed every project set-up to help the area. But he would show up for the photos and ground breaking. The only thing Ron Angle has given to District four in the past ten years is a bad reputation.

  30. B.O. says this post isn't true ? What gives ?

  31. BO works for Angle and Stoffa. How do you think he has a new pc and a video recorder. The guy is given some charity title searches by lawyers who remember his father. If not for Angle and Stoffa, O'Hare would starve. he is just a propaganda mouthpiece for the corrupt two.

    His hate blog is becoming a one sided joke. More and more people are now aware that he makes nay posts that disprove his silly assertions disappear.

    He lacks credibility and a soul. why do you think he has to pretend to be a grandfather.

  32. The conduct of Ron Angle is embarassing. I am ashamed to be in District 4, we are the joke of the region.

  33. Heard yet another story about Ron stiffing a young, newly wed couple for their security deposit and first month's rent.. Doesn't he have a property known as his that he has turned over time and time again at the expense of people of little means?

  34. Ask Angle about the old man he had locked in an apartment in the 90's. He would cash the guys social security checks. They found the guy living in garbage with tasty-cake wrappers. That is another story you will never read on O'Hare's hate blog.

  35. You should vote for Angle, Bernie. After all he does pay your way.

  36. Bernie does not live in district 4, so he can not vote for Angle.

  37. Angle can figure out a way. he is good at that sort of thing.

  38. Funny thing happened. The day after the initial blog item/story was posted..Ron paid all his rental fees that have been past due and next years fees plus he scheduled all his properties to be inspected asap. All this after dragging his feet for months on end and ignoring notifications from the boro to comply. Evidently he can be motivated to do the right thing..when an election is on the horizon.
