Thursday, March 17, 2011

One Step Closer


  1. I see your attorney likes to be on television. Instead of being on television wouldn't his time be better spent preparing a document stating what laws he thinks Stoffa violated and producting the documentation that proves that ? Just sayin'

  2. Whats wrong with letting the taxpayers of the county "really" know where there tax dollars are being spent.

  3. This whole situation is ironic and many even a bit unfair to Mr. Stoffa. As far as anyone can tell, Mr. Stoffa has generally led a life of honor and integrity. However, Ronald Lee Angle and Bernard V. O'Hare have not. Angle is a proven liar and criminal. O'Hare is a proven liar, and he escaped prosecution for his crimes. It's not right, that Stoffa is possibly in a legal pickle because of these two.

  4. There's been a lot of talk about Steve Barron and the amount of time he spends at his office. But, has anybody checked into how ofter Stoffa is in the courthouse. At one point, he was out for six months.
