Saturday, April 30, 2011

Who Is Dismayed?

Chris Miller - one of the few Angle supporters was dismayed during the April 28 meeting because he feels that the Gracedale Initiative petitions were not circulated properly, huh! Did someone forget to send him a memo/email/fax or something informing him that two court cases ago it was decided that the petition was circulated within the letter of the law.

He went on to say "I'm not mad because this is going to be on the ballot, I am irritated because some people step all over the election process. That is not good. We are indeed a nation of laws under the Constitution. There is the right way to do something and there is the wrong way to do something".

On the first point - Regardless of your emotional distress, the question is on the ballot. Second point - your not right simply because you say your right, in fact, the courts ruled that you are wrong. Third point - If it good enough for the courts, it's good enough for us. Forth point - Because we are a nation of laws under the Constitution is why We The People prevailed. And on your last point - take a good and careful look at us, and then look at Stangle, it will become evident to you who is doing things right, and who is doing things wrong, if you are unable to see it then perhaps your not as smart as you think you are.


  1. Mr. Miller will never see it. he is too busy advocating widows be thrown into the streets while he collects his teachers pension, his Union helped secure.

    Like Mr. Angle, Mr. Miller in his hypocrisy is emblematic of those who tell others to do as they say not as they do.

    God bless the Gracedale Guardians!

  2. Its the gracedale guardians who are tossing people out into the street, not Mr. Miller and not the county. Its all you and your union shop program. I happen to know Chris well. He is a very decent human being that gets it.

    This group is heinous

    Call ahead to the unemployment office, when massive layoffs happen, they set up shop. What a sight...the unemployment line right on gracedale drive.

  3. threats always threats...... it disgust's me that people can't come together for the good of all....what should upset chris miller is the way the county executive and and angle treated there constituents., i didn't hear any outrage then .... he then complains about unions when he himself benifited from his teacher union but hey i guess thats ok ....

  4. Interestingly enough, Mr. Miller seemed to find it offensive that I told Bernie "get use to it" but he did not find it offensive when Bernie called "We The People" a Mob which he HATES. No Mr. Miller I did not error, I meant exactly what I said. We The People are not a mob that should be hated, WE THE PEOPLE are the ones funding every bridge project, light bulb and salary in the county. So to call us a mob because you don't like that we exercised our Constitutional rights and legally succeeded is offensive to us. And you sir, talk about anarchy, how exactly do you equate anarchy with the peaceful execution of our constitutional rights? Oppression of The People by the few on the other hand sounds like TYRANNY does it not?

    I have no further explanations to make to anyone, least of all Bernie.

    Rev. Mario Martinez

  5. Meanwhile, O'Hare, Tricia, and "Brenda" continue to spew hate on O'Hare's hateblog.

  6. The spreading of hate is their (BO,TRICIA,BRENDA) feeble attempt to distract voters from the true issue---the elderly residents of the county that need Gracedale.
    THE COUNTY VOTERS KNOW THAT GRACEDALE IS AN IMPORTANT ASSET THAT NEEDS TO REMAIN IN COUNTY HANDS. If it can make money for a private company it certainly can make enough money to sustain itself. The big question is why hasn't Stoffa implemented ANY of the recommendations from the study done last August that should have helped turn around Gracedale??????????

  7. 5:51

    You all do realize this is "Brenda"

  8. You do know that the county is self insured. That means the county pays the unemployment for those laid off, please pay your taxes on time. Can not wait to see the line at the Courthouse.

  9. I know as a COAF menber that we won our drive to place the question on to the primary ballot.
    We did that which we thought was correct.And, the courts have agreed.
    At this point, I recommend that everyone forget about Bernie, Brenda,Chris M,etc. They also are allowed an opinion.No one is going to change their ideology at this point.
    We ,COAF, had our opinions and went with them. We really do not have to involve ourselves with any of these individuals.
    Allow them to their opinion;while we are entitled to ours,
    Remember, that which we did,we did ;for we thought it was the moral and ethical thing to do.
    We Won;ALLOW our citizens the right of the VOTE.
    We fought 8 months for that right.Now, let's exercise it.Keep Gracedale in County hands.

  10. Folks, please go to the Morning Call website and post to Bill Whites, "winning" column. He is just mouthing the Angle/Stoffa lies about the cost and problems with Gracedale. Bill is generally a fair guy but he is a dyed in the wool Stoffaphile. But he really needs to read the real facts.

    It is a shame that these reporters just print whatever Stoffa tells them to print but then again they all love the guy.

    We know what Stoffa is because of all the lies he has told over the years. Ask old Lehigh county employees about the guy, they just roll their eyes.

    White is claiming the same nonsense about multi-million dollar renovations and a need for massive pay concessions. Haven't people on numerous occasions shown how inaccurate and pulled out of the ass all the Angle/Stoffa numbers are. Hell, they have lied so often their lies are contradicting earlier lies.

    Please help Bill White get a second opinion of the "true" facts.

    Thank you

  11. Here is a good one:
    Someone told me that Bernie O'Hare says that he is a STUDENT OF COUNTY GOVERNMENT.
    Remember, when he was a young man, he went to Law School and,therefore, became a STUDENT OF THE LAW.
    That which he learned in law school certainly did not help those poor people who he cheated WITH his law degree.
    Now,as a student of county government, what do you think he might be capable of.
    So, when he bashes everyone that he can,does he really believe that people trust him outside of his circle?Most stay away,wink, or just agree because they do not want his "LEARNINGS" to get in the way of their lives.
    When he talks about the Rev's certificate,what about his rantings since his certificate went right into the crackerjack box and remained there.

  12. I thought this was about Gracedale, not your hatred of Ohare. He must have got you again.

  13. Bernie O'Hare, Ron Angle and John Stoffa are formidable opponents of Gracedale. No one has lost sight of that. Of course this is about Gracedale but the people know how dangerous those three individuals can be.

    They have tried every trick in the book to dump Gracedale. They have smeared people, they have fudged numbers, frightened elderly residents and most importantly, they are in charge of the County.

    So yes, this is about saving Gracedale for the people. On the other hand, whatever the outcome of the referendum the people know the sneaky three will continually try to destroy Gracedale. Stoffa pretty much as admitted this. In his five years Gracedale has gone from a facility making money and helping residents to losing money. The people are not stupid we now know the game Stoffa and Angle have been playing with Gracedale. We can never let out guard down again.

    God Bless all the Guardians!

  14. Hey Annon 6:47 pm - we know its you bernie. You are the hater. your are the one playing games, schemeing to scare the people of the county into voting against Gracedale, but the people of our county R not as stupid as U may believe we are. I have one question for U, what R U going to do when Angle is gone? And what R U going to do when stoffa is gone? Buy a fishing pole ur going to need it.

  15. I do not hate O'Hare, and he has never gotten to me.
    I wrote what I did because I think that it is extremely important to NOT forget his past.
    If he could stoop to do to those innocent families who he represented ,and they trusted him enough to hire him as a STUDENT OF THE LAW, imagine what he could still do to those people with whom he does not agree as a STUDENT OF COUNTY GOVERNMENT.
    History is a tool by which one can learn.
