Friday, November 26, 2010

Last Meeting For The Year - 1

On December 9th, 2010, the County Council will hold the last meeting for the year. We hope that it will be a civil meeting which will produce results that benefit county residents as a whole.

We anticipate having the required petition names by then, but we will continue to collect until the final second allowed.

It is unreasonable that the CC does not hear the voice of the people. You know, it's actually kind of damning that Mr. Angle would listen to 400 or so residents from his district, and not the over 10,000 countywide petition residents presented so far by COAF. Isn't he supposed to represent them too? If not, then why is he the president of council. Shouldn't that position be held by a member of council that represents the whole, instead of of a part?

By the way, Mr. Angle was really not doing his district a favor by removing the detention center proposal from the table, it was just a calculated move, or ploy might be a better word, to minimize the impact it will have in the upcoming election. He made a 180 degree turn, imagine that, Mr. Angle running scared, who would have thought that we would haave ever witneesed that. But he obviously had no choice if he desires to get re-elected. Don't be fooled Slate Belt...if you re-elect him, it will be a matter of time before he truly hurts you, and or the rest of the county.

But you know what is worse? The torpid senses of the five at large which seem unable to realize what Mr. Angle does, so they aimlessly follow him. Remember that Mr. Angle was the one who brought the detention center proposal to the table - they followed him then, and they again followed him when he took it off the table. Sadly, a clear indicator that they have no intelligent thought processes of their own.

This ladies and gentlemen is not the kind of government we need. Yes, it is true that the three young men at large were our hope for the future of the county, it turns out however, that they are just puppets, followers incapable of thinking for themselves, they just do as they are told. Unfortunate, but true.

What we need are true leaders that can stand alone if they have to. Leaders that will hear the people, and be intelligent enough to understand what the people want, especially when the people stand before them with thousands of residents names as COAF has.

Instead...we the people are forced to continue the petition initiative even if it means almost certain political suicide for most of the members of council that are not listening. One has to wonder why they would chose to self-destruct. It's hard to consider that all CCM ran for office on the premise that they would serve the people. So why is it that when the people come to them as we have, expressing clearly our needs, they seem to thumb their nose at us?  The beginning of the end will commence in May, we'll see who thumbs their nose then.


  1. From what I have seen,heard,and read concerning all the members of County Council,I believe that without Ron and his royal blogger,Bernie,this Council wants to do the right thing for ALL of the citizens of Northampton County.Place them in a room without these two bullies,and they will arrive at a decision(with John Stoffa)which will be acceptable to all parties concerned.

  2. Wait, are you saying after he is re-elected, the detention center might actually happen?

  3. The detention center, according to angle is still an issue. If in fact the supervisors in mt bethel approve it then it is likely to come before council again, and even more likely that county council will approve it with angle smiling.
