I have been in prayer seeking His TRUTH...and the truth is, it seems easier today to blame God rather than take responsibility for our actions. You know, we push Him away...and then in arrogance we dare ask where He's been when our flawed plan doesn't seem to work.
How do we deal with our evil world? Well, some make the argument that guns don't kill people...people do. While others claim: we don't need a mag with thirty rounds of ammo in an assault weapon. And still others say: we don't need guns at all. Well - whats the truth?
Truth be told - in God's perfect world - you know...the one before the fall of mankind, we truly didn't need guns or any other type of weapon for any purpose. But after the fall, the new wicked and evil mankind invented guns for a single purpose - to displease our loving God. So we fast forward to the present where we discover, displeasing Him is but an understatement!
Evil mankind with black hearts of stone...how sad what we've become!
Evil is contrary to LIVE, and came about as a result of SIN.
An unfortunate actuality in today's world no matter where in it you go, is just how callus we as a nation (without God) have become.
On April 19th, 1995 - Timothy McVeigh didn't use a gun...but he was successful in killing 168 Human Beings, wounding more than 500 others.
On April 20, 1999, in the suburban town of Littleton, Colorado, two high-school seniors, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, enacted an all-out assault on Columbine High School during the middle of the school day. Shooting guns and throwing bombs, the two youngster walked the hallways and killed.
And what about the more recent mass shooting at a midnight screening of The Dark Knight Rises in Aurora, Colorado, which left at least twelve people dead and 58 wounded.
And let us not forget about 911 - which claimed three thousand (3000) lives...at least!
Just to name a few!
The amount of crime that goes on in our country and in this world is not in line with light, but with darkness. Not with good, but certainly with EVIL.
Yes...you can take away all the guns, then all the knives, then all the baseball bats and hammers too!!! But not to worry - we will in any event find some way to destroy what God has lovingly created.
Yes - I have been in prayer. But not just for those in Newtown, but also for the world. Praying for - and against all the Bernard O'Hare's, the Ron Angle's, and all the John Stoffa's of the world, whom by their poor evil examples influence the world into a life of corruption with a passion for hate!
Many will say - take away all their guns... Oh yes...ban ban ban - all of their guns. Take away yet another right on our path to becoming a police state!
What they certainly won't say is that we are breeding a violent culture! And they won't say ban the VIOLENT video games that many respected psychologist refer to as a direct cause to the madness we are witnessing in the world. Why not?...because of the money being generated.
They won't say ban the nudity on the TV and the movies which exemplifies immoral behavior. Or the pornography on the Internet that leads to rape and the corruption of our very children. Why not?...because of the money being generated.
Give them condoms says our governing system, we can prevent so much with condoms, instead of promoting good morals and values like abstinence.
It seems they have taken away the parenting rights of the parents, who should be the responsible adults providing (when they feel the time is right) the necessary sexual education that our children require. Just imagine your 13 year old daughter coming home from school with condoms! What's the message the child receives? It's okay to have sex - just make sure it's protected sex.
They relaxed the laws that once prohibited the profane and perverted music on the radio, you know...the new norm in FREEDOM of SPEECH. No, they won't admit that those evil elements have anything to do with the state of affairs in our once great America.
Well, once again ladies and gentlemen of NorCo, I will wear my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on my sleeve, for I am not ashamed of the Gospel, even at the risk of persecution...
...Why? Because He is my Lord - The one for whom nothing is too hard.
I know him to be the shepherd and the door, and is always the good news to the bound and to the poor.
He's the one who saved Gracedale, using followers who with Him on their side would never fail.
He is the righteous one who paid the ultimate price for our transgressions. The Lamb that appeared in the bush for Abraham.
He's the only redeemer - the beginning and the end.
No matter the hardship, no matter the strife...Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.
To prove He loves us , He chose to die, and became our best friend, never asking why?
He is the bread, and He is the wine - He is the future that we may leave our past behind.
He is Jehovah, the King of all Kings. He is the Messiah, King David's offspring.
He is the Resurrection, and He is the Christ...who paid for our sins with His very own life.
Let us turn back to Him, that we may receive his gifts of peace and eternal life.
May the true Joy and Peace of Christmas return to us all in this very trying time.
Merry Christmas