Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Do We Need to Raise Taxes? Or Sell Gracedale?

Councilman Lamont McClure doesn't think so...


  1. it is so pathetic to see and hear what is going on in northampton county politics these days. It is absurd to hear stoffa and others talk so much about the home rule charter never mentioning the Constitution of our great USA. Does the HRC supersede the constitution? of course not. And why would Stoffa tell the county that he is going to close down Gracedale if in fact the referendum question gets on and passes the ballot. Doesn't he realize that gracedale residents read the newspaper? and he is causing them unecessary stress which can cause them more health issues, isn't that depraived indifference? Yes it is, which means that stoffa is liable if something should happen to any of our gd residents due to his fatuity. Give me a break stoffa, your supposed to be a hjighly educated man, please act like one. Stop following that ignoramus angle.

  2. Has anyone read O'Hare's attempt at intimidating Jenna Portnoy. John Stoffa strongly supports the right of the people to have a vote on the future of Gracedale, but he is going to appeal to protect the Home Rule Charter. So, Stoffa more ferverntly believes in the sanctity of the Home Rule Charter than the people's right to vote. So, don't you think writing that he is "determined" not to let the people vote since he is protecting the sanctity of Norco's constitution ?
