During Monday night’s debate
We The People believe that Steve Barron successfully
defend all questions, leaving his opponent appearing stunned and dumbfounded.
Angle spewed nothing new, in fact, same old garbage. He wants people to
believe that he does not want to raise taxes because he cares about The PEOPLE
in these hard economic times - TRUTH be told, he only cares about all the taxes
he has to pay if taxes are increased. The People's understanding is that Angle owns between
75 and 100 properties in NorCo, so any tax increase for whatever purpose will
cost him tens of thousands of dollars. So you see NorCo, he does not really
care about anyone but himself. He's not protecting your interest, he's
protecting his own.
On a very important NOTE: any person running for office who says he will
never vote for a tax increase should never ever be elected...he will run your
house into the ground, which in Angles case it is very evident he has done
that with the Governor Wolf Building (as well as many other facilities such as Gracedale) which by the way he stated during the debate - is
worth nothing due to neglect by government. If Angles has been in office for 11
yrs, doesn't that mean that he too is responsible for the condition of the building?
Perhaps he's saying it's worth nothing because he wants to buy it cheap...like
he does with the county foreclosures. Anyone who goes to a Sheriff's sale will see
Angle taking advantage of someones misfortune. "He Cares about us during these hard economic times"...YEAH RIGHT...he care about no one but himself.
We The People are not proponents of raising taxes, we are reasonable and understand that in some cases it is the responsible thing to do) He also spoke against the Police and first responders of our County...imagine that our vigilant
protectors, as well as all emergency responders who risk their life and limb
every day of their lives cannot receive a well earned raise because Angle will
never ever raise taxes - he spoke over and over about government being too big
"we need smaller government" and We The People believe he is
correct...so let's shrink government by removing him.
INTERESTING NOTE - It appears that the
hosting body was one sided - Questions posed by some attendees directed at
Angle were not asked intentionally, and during the debate between Mr. Steve
Barron and his opponent, the moderator stepped in to quell a question by Mr.
Barron to his opponent. A question that shocked his opponent, and baffled all
in attendance when the moderated refuse to allow the question from Barron, which dealt
with his opponent inability to handle his own finances. The PEOPLE displayed
resentment toward the moderator for not allowing the question.
And The Peoples choice?
Mr. Scott Parsons handled himself very well, remaining very
calm which we all know is hard to do around Angle. He staying composed and civil as he
promises he will always do. Refreshing was his expression of listening to
everyone if elected, including his opponent. That means that we won't have to listen to Angle tell The People to sit down and shut up! It was quite clear that Mr.
Parsons is the right person to sit on Council. Refreshing is he, thank you for
your civility Mr. Parson.
There is a new wave on the horizon bringing in fresh water, and
We The People welcome it.
The Calm After The Storm